March Week 1
Written by Editor   
Saturday, 12 March 2022

This weekly digest is an extended version of the newsletter emailed to subscribers every Wednesday. As well as listing the week's news items, it also includes the week's Book Review, additions to Book Watch and latest news from the I Programmer Library. Top of the list come the week's two feature articles.

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March 3 - 9, 2022

Featured Articles     

The Trick Of The Mind - Little Languages Arithmetic
Mike James
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The new book by Mike James on the nature of programming is aimed at programmers and non-programmers alike. In this extract we look at one of the "little" languages - not a full programming language but interesting in what it tells us about programming. 

What Is Asynchronous Programming?
Mike James
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Asynchronous programming has become very important in the last few years, but many programmers find out about it by doing it. So what exactly is asynchronous programming, why is it necessary and why is it growing in importance?


Programming News and Views  


Chrome 99 Rushes Ahead With New Features
09 Mar | Mike James
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Chrome 99 has introduced some new features relevant to programming and left the competition behind - this isn't good.

Interop 2022 Addresses Browser Compatibility Issues
09 Mar | Ian Elliot
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Google, Microsoft, Mozilla and Apple are jointly involved in Interop 2022, a cross-browser initiative to find and address the most important interoperability pain points on the web platform. The end result is a public metric that will assess progress toward fixing these interoperability issues.

Apache Isis Adds Non-Public Visibility
08 Mar | Kay Ewbank
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Apache Isis has a new milestone release that adds the ability for members and their methods to have non-public visibility. Isis is a framework for developing UIs for domain-driven apps in Java.

Get Ready For Google Summer Of Code 2022
08 Mar | Sue Gee
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There's a new website for Google Summer of Code this year - to take account of its extended remit. GSoC is no longer just for students which means that anyone18 year old and older with spare time this summer who wants to get involved with open source software development can apply to the program to become a contributor. 

New DevOps Credentials From IBM On Coursera
07 Mar | Sue Gee
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DevOps skills are poised to be one of the fastest-growing skills in the workforce. IBM has expanded its range of credentials on Coursera with a new beginner-level Specialization and a Professional Certificate for those wanting to embark on a career in DevOps.

NetBeans 13 Improves PHP And Maven Support
07 Mar | Kay Ewbank
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Apache NetBeans has been upgraded. Version 13 has a new default 'light flat' look to the IDE, along with upgraded support for Maven, Gradle and PHP.

A Slippy Way To Walk
06 Mar | Lucy Black
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There is no doubt that we have come on a long way since the first difficult to watch bipedal walkers, but even quadrupeds have their problems. How do you control four limbs on a slippy surface - watch this video and find out.

Benefits and Risks Of A Trading Platform
04 Mar | M K Akram
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Thanks to the internet, millions of people can now make trading decisions on their own. This method is very different from the decade-old habit of hiring a broker who can usually provide you with some guidance. What are the pros and cons?

Take Stanford's Natural Language Understanding For Free
04 Mar | Nikos Vaggalis
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The content of CS224u Natural Language Understanding by Stanford University has been made available in a self-paced version and to anyone for free.

TypeScript 4.6 Improves Constructors
03 Mar | Kay Ewbank
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TypeScript 4.6 has been released with improvements including the ability to have code before super() in constructors, and control flow analysis for destructured discriminated unions.

Census II Lists Critical Application Libraries
03 Mar | Sue Gee
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The Linux Foundation has announced the publication of "Census II of Free and Open Source Software - Application Libraries" which identifies more than one thousand of the most widely deployed open source application libraries found from scans of commercial and enterprise applications.



Books of the Week

If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that enables us to continue posting.

Full Review 

Kay Ewbank concludes her review:

Overall, this book reads well, and sounds very plausible. I haven't used the techniques described in it for real, which would be the only true measure of how useful it is, but it rang plenty of bells from past situations. A useful book.

Added to Book Watch

More recently published books can be found in Book Watch Archive.

From the I Programmer Library

Recently published:


Programmers think differently from non-programmers, they see and solve problems in a way that the rest of the world doesn't. In this book Mike James takes programming concepts and explains what the skill involves and how a programmer goes about it. In each case, Mike looks at how we convert a dynamic process into a static text that can be understood by other programmers and put into action by a computer. If you're a programmer, his intent is to give you a clearer understanding of what you do so you value it even more.  

  • Deep C#: Dive Into Modern C# by Mike James

    In Deep C#, I Programmer's Mike James, who has programmed in C# since its launch in 2000, provides a “deep dive” into various topics that are important or central to the language at a level that will suit the majority of C# programmers. Not everything will be new to any given reader, but by exploring the motivation behind key concepts, which is so often ignored in the documentation, the intention is to be thought-provoking and to give developers confidence to exploit C#’s wide range of features.


    Last Updated ( Saturday, 12 March 2022 )