December Week 4 |
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Saturday, 29 December 2018 | |||||||||||||
There's not much news in Christmas week so we took the opportunity to look back over the most important stories of 2018, one month at a time. You'll find the first five of our twelve days of Xmas news in this digest, together with a re-run of our most popular book review and recommendations for Holiday Reading. To receive this digest automatically by email, sign up for our weekly newsletter. December 20 - 26, 2018 Book Watch This week's additions to our ever-growing archive of newly published computer books are:
Book Review
The 12 News Days of Xmas - 05 May May, the spring is sprung (sorry southern hemisphere) and we are all ready to do new things. Hadoop Submarine Adds Deep Learning To Hadoop Wednesday 26 December There's a new Hadoop project for building deep learning frameworks, like TensorFlow, on Apache Hadoop. Submarine has integrations with Zeppelin and Azkaban for running jobs. The 12 News Days of Xmas - 04 April April is a month for fools but you won't find a single one in this roundup of what happened in 2018. The 12 News Days of Xmas - 03 March In our continuing look back at the highlights of 2018, we come to March. Apparently we are supposed to beware the Ides - does that mean IDEs? Perhaps so, given the release of Android Studio 3.1 during the month. C# 8, What's Coming Santa Trackers Part Of Our Tradition We've wrapped gifts for family and friends and decorated the Christmas Tree and excitement is mounting. Tracking Santa's progress across the globe on mobile and desktop devices has become an established part of our countdown to Christmas. Yoda's (Donald Knuth) Xmas Lecture Yes, I know they used to be called Xmas Tree lectures, but the tree is a data structure that you can only do so much with. This year lecture is on dancing links - yes dancing links I'm serious. Oh and read on to find out why it's by "Yoda". The 12 News Days of Xmas - 02 February Ah February. It is the last month of winter and the hope of the coming spring prevails. But because it has only 28 days - mostly - there isn't much time to pack in the news. So what did happen? New Governance Model For Python After Guido van Rossum abdicated his role as Python's leader who had ultimate authority on all decisions relating to the language, some alternative way to run the project became necessary. After a protracted, democratic, process Python will in future be governed by a five-person Steering Council. The 12 News Days of Xmas - 01 January In which we look at the most noteworthy of the news items of each month of 2018. Yes it's a clip show, but it's still interesting! Salesforce Announces JavaScript Framework A set of web components for Salesforce has been released. The Lightning Web Components Framework is aimed at JavaScript developers who want to use Salesforce's services. Holiday Reading Recommendations Confronting The Unprovable - Gödel And All That Given infinite computing power surely there cannot be any problem or puzzle that is incapable of solution? The famous or infamous incompletenes theory of Kurt Gödel says different but what does it actually mean? This is an extract from a book to be published in the I Programmer Library in 2019, If you want to delve into I Programmer's coverage of the news over the years, you can access I Programmer Weekly back to January 2012. To keep up with the latest news and receive this digest automatically by email, sign up for our weekly newsletter and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn, where you are welcome to share all our stories. You can also subscribe to our RSS Feeds - we have one for Full Contents, another for News and also one for Books with details of reviews and additions to Book Watch. <ASIN:1680455540> <ASIN:1788629418> <ASIN:0672338092> <ASIN:059651798X> |
Last Updated ( Saturday, 05 January 2019 ) |