October Week 5 |
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Saturday, 03 November 2018 | ||||||||||||||
If you want to keep up with what's important from the point of view of the developer, you can rely on the IProgrammer team to sift through the news to select items that are of interest and to gather and review the books you might want to read. This week's articles explore Anonymous and Lambda Functions in Kotlin and Cellular Automata. To receive this digest automatically by email, sign up for our weekly newsletter. October 25 - 31, 2018 Book Watch This week's additions to Book Watch, our ever-growing archive of newly published computer books, are:
Book Reviews
JVM Ecosystem Report Reveals the State of Java Wednesday 31 October Java may not make headline news very often, but it is still the language that underpins most of today's commerce and more. The largest survey ever of Java developers, with data from more than 10,200 respondents, gives an interesting snapshot of the JVM landscape. Algojammer - Python Editor in the Style of Bret Victor Wednesday 31 October Bret Victor is well known for promoting the idea that programming could be made easier and more natural by providing the right tools and environment. However it isn't easy to create said environment. Algojammer is an ongoing attempt to do just that and it needs your help. Google's AI Impact Challenge - $25 Million For Social Good Tuesday 30 October At the Google AI For Social Good event, Google.org, issued a call to organizations around the world to submit their ideas for how they could use AI to help address societal challenges. Selected organizations will receive funding from a $25M pool together with support from Google’s AI experts to transform ideas into action. Redis Adds Streams Support Tuesday 30 October Redis 5 has been released with a new data structure, Streams. This is the first entirely new data structure in Redis for four years,and is a log-like data structure that allows you to store multiple fields and string values with an automatic, time-based sequence at a single key. IBM To Acquire Red Hat For $34 Billion Monday 29 October Linus Returns A Reformed Character UPDATE After the Linux Kernel Maintainers Summit, where he repeated his determination to behave in a more acceptable manner, Linus Torvalds is back in charge of the Linux kernel. He has already had occasion to try out his new more moderate mode of response while dealing with the 4.19 Merge window. Adopt Nybble - OpenCat's First Kitten Sunday 28 October A crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo for Nybble, described as the "World's Cutest Open Source Robotic Kitten", has already achieved 95% of its $50,000 goal and there's over 3 weeks left for it to increase its pre-release sales. AI-Generated Painting Sells For $432,500 - A Deep Misunderstanding Saturday 27 October We all know that the art world is illogical in its approach to the value of things and there are many examples. This time, however, things are a little different. To pay just short of half a million dollars for a painting created by a deep neural network displays a deep misunderstanding. Why Take Part In Open Source? Thursday 25 October In honor of the 20th anniversary of the open source movement, DigitalOcean dedicated the latest edition of its quarterly developer survey to the state of open source. Microsoft Developer Blogs On The Move Friday 26 October Microsoft is in the process of moving its developer blogs to a new blogging platform. The aim is to provide "a clean design and powerful features that will make it easy for you to discover and share great content". Baidu Makes Breakthrough in Simultaneous Translation Thursday 25 October Baidu Research has announced STACL (Simultaneous Translation with Anticipation and Controllable Latency), an automated system that is able to conduct high quality translation concurrently between two languages. TypeScript 3.1 Adds Mappable Tuples Thursday 25 October TypeScript has been updated to add support for mappable tuple and array types. The Programmers Guide To Kotlin - Anonymous and Lambda Functions Monday 29 October Languages that don't allow functions to exist as entities in their own right make things difficult without many advantages. Kotlin introduces features to allow functions to be treated in more flexible ways, in particular to be used as parameters to other functions. Cellular Automata - The How and Why Friday 26 October If you want to delve into I Programmer's coverage of the news over the years, you can access I Programmer Weekly back to January 2012. To keep up with the latest news and receive this digest automatically by email, sign up for our weekly newsletter and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn, where you are welcome to share all our stories. You can also subscribe to our RSS Feeds - we have one for Full Contents, another for News and also one for Books with details of reviews and additions to Book Watch. <ASIN:1871962579> <ASIN:1871962536> <ASIN:1593278578> <ASIN:1789531756> <ASIN:1484238877>
Last Updated ( Saturday, 03 November 2018 ) |