How Software Works (No Starch Press)
Wednesday, 09 September 2015

With the subtitle, "The Magic Behind Encryption, CGI, Search Engines, and Other Everyday Technologies", V. Anton Spraul explains how computers perform common-yet-amazing tasks that we take for granted every day using patient explanations and intuitive diagrams so that anyone can understand - no technical background is required and you won't be reading through any code. 


Author:  V. Anton Spraul
Publisher: No Starch Press
Date: August 21, 2015
Pages: 216
ISBN: 978-1593276669
Print: 1593276664
Kindle: B0143MS2SW
Level: Non-programmer, non-technical

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SQL Server Query Tuning and Optimization (Packt)

Author: Benjamin Nevarez
Publisher: Packt Publishing Pages: 446
ISBN: 9781803242620
Print: 1803242620
Kindle: B0B42SVBFY
Audience: Intermediate to advanced DBAs and developers
Rating: 4.7
Reviewer: Ian Stirk 

This book aims to give you the tools and knowledge to get peak performance from your que [ ... ]

Visual Differential Geometry and Forms

Author:  Tristan Needham
Publisher: Princeton
Pages: 584
ISBN: 978-0691203706
Print: 0691203709
Kindle: B08TT6QBZH
Audience: Math enthusiasts
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Mike James
The best math book I have read in a long time...

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