Devops: A Software Architect's Perspective (Addison Wesley)
Wednesday, 29 July 2015

DevOps promises to accelerate the release of new software features and improve monitoring of systems in production, but its crucial implications for software architects and architecture are often ignored. Here three leading architects address these issues head-on and review the decisions software architects must make in order to achieve DevOps’ goals. They also provide the organizational, technical, and operational context needed to deploy DevOps more efficiently, and review DevOps’ impact on each development phase.  


Author: Len Bass, Ingo Weber and Liming Zhu

Publisher: Addison Wesley
Date: May 18, 2015
Pages: 352
ISBN: 978-0134049847
Print: 0134049845
Kindle: B00XCF9VCI
Category: Software Architecture 

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