Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Monday, 26 January 2015

The industry is moving from object-oriented languages to functional languages and new programming languages arm you with the tools and idioms you need to refine your craft. Go on a step-by-step journey through the most important paradigms of our time while learning Lua, Factor, Elixir, Elm, Julia, MiniKanren, and Idris. 

<ASIN:1941222153 >

Author: Bruce Tate et al
Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Date: January 6, 2015
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9781941222157
Print: 1941222153
Kindle: B00RW8XFUK

See Mike James' review of Seven Languages in Seven Weeks

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Beginning Rust Programming

Author: Ric Messier
Publisher: Wiley
Date: March 2021
Pages: 416
ISBN: 978-1119712978
Print: 1119712971
Kindle: B08WZ2D7WC
Audience: Developers wanting to learn Rust
Rating: 3
Reviewer: Mike James
Everyone seems to want to know what makes Rust special. Does this book give the answers?

Python Crash Course, 3rd Ed (No Starch Press)

Author: Eric Matthes
Publisher: No Starch Press
Pages: 552
ISBN: 978-1718502703
Print: 1718502702
Kindle: B09WJX22TV
Audience: People wanting to learn Python
Level: Introductory/Intermediate
Audience: Not the complete beginner
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Alex Armstrong
To reach a third edition this [ ... ]

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