Adaptive Code via C# (Microsoft Press)
Monday, 03 November 2014

Your process may be agile, but are you building agility directly into the code base? In this book, Gary McLean Hall teaches .NET programmers how to give code the flexibility to adapt to changing requirements and customer demands by applying cutting-edge techniques, including SOLID principles, design patterns, and other industry best practices.


Authors: Gary McLean Hall
Publisher: Microsoft Press

Date: August 25, 2014
Pages: 544

ISBN: 9780735683204
Print: 0735683204

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PostgresSQL 14 Administration Cookbook

Author: Simon Riggs and Gianno Ciolli
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Pages: 608
ISBN: 978-1803248974
Kindle: B09R4VBHX3
Audience: PostgresSQL developers and administrators
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

While this book describes itself as a cookbook, the recipes in it work through the nec [ ... ]

Principled Programming

Author: Tim Teitelbaum
Publisher: DateTree Press
Date: March 2023
Pages: 429
ISBN: 978-8987744109
Print: B0BZF8R467
Audience: General
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Mike James
Principled Programming - what else would you want to do?

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