Perl one-liners are programs that fit in one line of code and do one thing really well. Peteris Krumins showcases 130 lines of code that do all sorts of handy, geeky things like numbering lines in a file; generating random passwords; encoding, decoding, and converting strings; calculating factorials; even checking to see if a number is prime with a regular expression.
Author: Peteris Krumins Publisher: No Starch Press Date: November 30, 2013 Pages: 152 ISBN: 978-1593275204
Python Distilled (Addison-Wesley)
Author: David Beazley Publisher: Addison-Wesley Date: September 2021 Pages: 352 ISBN: 978-0134173276 Print: 0134173279 Rating: 4 Reviewer: Alex Armstrong Python isn't a big language but it's getting bigger all the time.
HTML, CSS & JavaScript (In Easy Steps)
Author: Mike McGrath Publisher: In Easy Steps Date: July 2020 Pages: 480 ISBN: 978-1840788785 Print: 184078878X Kindle: B08FBGXGF1 Audience: would-be web developers Rating: 5 Reviewer Mike James The three core web technologies in a single book.
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