The Nvidia Way (W. W. Norton & Company)
Friday, 27 December 2024

This book is a deeply reported business history of the chip-designer Nvidia, from its founding in 1993 to its recent emergence as one of the most valuable corporations in the world, explaining how the company’s culture, overseen by cofounder and CEO Jensen Huang, has powered its incredible success. Author Tae Kim draws on more than one hundred interviews, including Jensen and his cofounders, the two original venture capital investors, early former employees, and current senior executives to show how Nvidia played the longest of long games, repeatedly creating new markets and outmaneuvering competitors, including the original semiconductor giant, Intel, which now finds itself well behind the upstart. 

<ASIN:‎1324086718 >


Author: Tae Kim
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Date: December 2024
Pages: 272
ISBN: 978-1324086710
Print: ‎ 1324086718
Audience: General
Level: Introductory
Category: History


Contents include:

  • An authoritative, myth-busting account of Nvidia’s founding in 1993.
  • How Nvidia managed to overcome early missteps that would have killed most start-ups.
  • The benefits of Nvidia’s flat organizational structure, which allows even low-level employees to contribute to the direction of the company.
  • How Jensen’s obsession with solving the Innovator’s Dilemma―the problem of an entrenched market leader falling to smaller, nimbler companies―drove him to reinvent his approach to corporate strategy.
  • How Nvidia saw the coming AI wave sooner than anyone else, and how it bet its future on a technology that had not yet arrived.

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