Seven Obscure Languages in Seven Weeks (Pragmatic)
Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Subtitled "Rediscovering the Tools That Built the Future", this book serves as a bridge to understanding and revitalizing legacy code, with hands-on tutorials spanning languages from Forth and Simula to SNOBOL and m4. Dmitry Zinoviev ranges from the stack-oriented design of Forth to the early object-oriented experiences in Simula, and bridges the ever-widening chasm between contemporary code and legacy systems. He looks at topics such as how Simula led to C++, what made APL so powerful, and why we still use m4 even to this day.



Author: Dmitry Zinoviev
Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Date: November 2024
Pages: 272
ISBN: 978-8888650639
Print: B0DFNXG376
Audience: General
Level: Introductory/Intermediate
Category: HistoryLanguages


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Essential C# 12 (Pearson)

Author: Mark Michaelis
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Date: December 3, 2023
Pages: 1232
ISBN: 978-0138219512
Print: 0138219516
Kindle: B0CLKY8GNV
Audience: C# developers
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Mike James
The latest edition of a highly recommended book that combines reference and tutorial material.

SQL Server 2022 Revealed

Author: Bob Ward
Publisher: Apress
Pages: 506
ISBN: 978-1484288931
Kindle: B0BLB4VJL9
Audience: DBAs & SQL devs
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Ian Stirk

This book aims to explain the new features in SQL Server 2022, how does it fare?

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