Modern CMake for C++ 2nd Ed (Packt)
Monday, 17 June 2024

This book aims to bridge the gap between learning C++ and being able to use it in a professional setting. Rafał Świdziński looks at topics such as the automation of complex tasks, including building, testing, and packaging software. This second edition is updated to the latest version of the CMake tooling suite, featuring three new chapters and an additional appendix dedicated to CMake presets.

<ASIN: 1805121804>


Author: Rafał Świdziński
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Date: May 2024
Pages: 502
ISBN: 978-1805121800
Print: 1805121804
Kindle: B0D2PQ3TS7
Audience: C++ programmers
Level: Intermediate
Category: C/C++

Topics include:

  • Understand best practices to build ++ code
  • Gain practical knowledge of the CMake language
  • Guarantee code quality with tests and static and dynamic analysis
  • Discover how to manage, discover, download, and link dependencies with CMake
  • Build solutions that can be reused and maintained in the long term
  • Understand how to optimize build artifacts and the build process
  • Program modern CMake and manage your build processes
  • Acquire expertise in complex subjects such as CMake presets

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Assembly x64 Programming

Author: Mike McGrath
Publisher: Easy Steps
Date: November 2021
Pages: 192
ISBN: 978-1840789522
Print: 1840789522
Kindle: ‎B09FTNN4P5
Audience: Developers wanting to learn assembler
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Harry Fairhead
Assembler, why would you want to learn that!

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Author: Simon Riggs and Gianno Ciolli
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Pages: 608
ISBN: 978-1803248974
Kindle: B09R4VBHX3
Audience: PostgresSQL developers and administrators
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

While this book describes itself as a cookbook, the recipes in it work through the nec [ ... ]

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