Building SimCity (MIT Press)
Friday, 14 June 2024

This book, subtitled "How to Put the World in a Machine", explores the history of computer simulation by chronicling SimCity. Chaim Gingold explains that SimCity was created in part to learn about cities, appropriating ideas from traditions in which computers are used as tools for modeling and thinking about the world as a complex system.


Gingold uses SimCity to explore a web of interrelated topics in the history of technology, software, and simulation, from the dawn of programmable computers to miniature cities made of construction paper and role-play. The book uses images to help bring its wide-ranging subjects to life, including painstakingly crafted diagrams that explain SimCity’s operation, the Kodachrome photographs taken by Charles Eames of schoolchildren making model cities, and Nintendo’s manga-style “Dr. Wright” character design, just to name a few.

Author: Chaim Gingold
Publisher: The MIT Press
Date: June 2024
Pages: 486
ISBN: 978-0262547482
Print: 0262547481
Kindle: B0CD6Z5X74
Audience: General
Level: Introductory/Intermediate
Category: Graphics & Games


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Data Structures & Algorithms in Python

Author: Dr. John Canning, Alan Broder and Robert Lafore
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Date: October 2022
Pages: 928
Print: 013485568X
Kindle: B0B1WJF1K9
Audience: Python developers
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Mike James
Data structures in Python - a good idea!

Fundamentals of Database Management Systems

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Publisher: Wiley
Pages: 416
Audience: Database managers
Rating: 3
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

This book is aimed at people taking a one-semester course in database management as part of their larger information systems management course. As suc [ ... ]

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