Raspberry Pi IoT In C Using Linux Drivers, 2nd Ed (I/O Press)
Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Pi OS, the Raspberry Pi’s operating system is Linux based and Linux drivers are available for many off-the-shelf IoT devices. These provide a very easy-to-use, high-level way of working, but there is very little documentation to help you get started. In this second edition Harry Fairhead explains the principles so that you can tackle new devices and he also guides you through using external hardware via standard Linux drivers on the full range of Raspberry Pis, now including the Pi 5 and the Pi Zero 2W.


Throughout this book you will find a practical approach to understanding electronic circuits and datasheets and translating this to code, specifically using the C programming language. This second edition was prompted by the advent of the Pi 5, and while the Pi 5 takes a different approach to IoT, it does behave in the same way under Linux drivers and is covered here on an equal footing. Coverage also includes the Pi Zero 2W, which has a quad-core chip making it more capable than both the original Pi Zero and the WiFi-enabled Pi ZeroW.

Author: Harry Fairhead
Publisher: I/O Press
Date: January 2024
Pages: 288
ISBN: 978-1871962857
Print: 1871962854
Kindle: B0CTGF8XQ5
Audience: C programmers using the Raspberry Pi
Level: Intermediate
Category: Hardware platforms


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