Learn Java with Projects (Packt)
Wednesday, 03 January 2024

This book begins by exploring the fundamentals of Java, from its primitive data types through to loops and arrays before moving on to object-oriented programming (OOP). Dr. Seán Kennedy and Maaike van Putten look at key topics such as classes and objects, inheritance, interfaces and lambda expressions.

<ASIN: 1837637180>

Later chapters look at advanced topics including how to create  generic types and streams. Ideas are explained via little projects, which eventually add up to one big project that brings it all together.

Author: Dr. Seán Kennedy and Maaike van Putten
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Date: December 2023
Pages: 602
ISBN: 978-1837637188
Print: 1837637180
Kindle: B0CP2VFCK4
Audience: People wanting to learn to program in Java
Level: Introductory/Intermediate
Category: Java

  • Get a clear understanding of Java fundamentals such as primitive types, operators, scope, conditional statements, loops, exceptions, and arrays
  • Master OOP constructs such as classes, objects, enums, interfaces, and records
  • Develop a deep understanding of OOP principles such as polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation
  • Delve into the advanced topics of generics, collections, lambdas, streams, and concurrency
  • Visualize what is happening in memory when you call a method or create an object
  • Appreciate how effective learning-by-doing is

For recommendations of Java books see Java Books For Beginners, Java Books For Going Further and Advanced Java - Books Outside the Core in our Programmer's Bookshelf section.


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Deep Learning (No Starch Press)

Author: Andrew Glassner
Publisher: No Starch Press
Date: July 2021
Pages: 750
ISBN: 978-1718500723
Print: 1718500726
Kindle: ‎ B085BVWXNS
Audience: Developers interested in deep learning
Rating: Mike James
Reviewer: 5
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The Nature of Code

Author: Daniel Shiffman
Publisher: No Starch
Date: September 2024
Pages: 640
ISBN: 978-1718503700
Print: 1718503709
Kindle: B0CG8F2VKM
Audience: General
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Mike James
The nature of code - what is it?

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