Machines Like Us (MIT Press)
Friday, 20 May 2022

Subtitled "Toward AI with Common Sense", this book asks how we can create artificial intelligence with broad, robust common sense rather than narrow, specialized expertise. Ronald J. Brachman and Hector J. Levesque offer an accessible account of how common sense might be built into a machine. They analyze common sense in humans, explain how AI over the years has focused mainly on expertise, and suggest ways to endow an AI system with both common sense and effective reasoning

<ASIN:‎ 0262046792>


Author: Ronald J. Brachman and Hector J. Levesque
Publisher: The MIT Press
Date: May 2022
Pages: 320
ISBN: 978-0262046794
Print: ‎0262046792
Kindle: ‎B09CYNL9FF
Audience: General
Level: Intermediate
Category: Artificial Intelligence


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Book Watch is I Programmer's listing of new books and is compiled using publishers' publicity material. It is not to be read as a review where we provide an independent assessment. Some, but by no means all, of the books in Book Watch are eventually reviewed.

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Coding All-In-One For Dummies

Author: Chris Minnick
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 912
ISBN: 978-1119889564
Print: 1119889561
Kindle: B0B5BBNW9L
Audience: People wanting to learn to code in JavaScript, Flutter and Python
Rating: 3.5
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

This book is described as offering an ideal starting place for learning th [ ... ]

Modern Software Engineering (Addison-Wesley)

Author: David Farley
Pages: 256
ISBN: 978-0137314911
Kindle: B09GG6XKS4
Audience: Software Engineers
Rating: 3.5
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

This book is subtitled 'doing what works to build better software faster' - does it teach you how to achieve that?

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