Embracing Modern C++ Safely (Addison-Wesley)
Wednesday, 12 January 2022

This book describes how to make effective use of the new and enhanced language features of modern C++ without falling victim to their potential pitfalls. Based on their years of experience with large, mission-critical projects, Dr. John Lakos and his co-authors divide C++11/14 language features into three categories: Safe, Conditionally Safe, and Unsafe.


This book distills the C++ community's years of experience applying C++11 and C++14 features and will help you make effective and safe design decisions that reflect real-world, economic engineering tradeoffs in large-scale, diverse software development environments. The authors use examples derived from real code bases to illustrate every finding objectively and to illuminate key issues. Each feature identifies the sound use cases, hidden pitfalls, and shortcomings of that language feature.


Author: Dr. John Lakos, Vittorio Romeo,Dr. Rostislav Khlebnikov and  Alisdair Meredith
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Date: December 2021
Pages: 1376
ISBN: 978-0137380350
Print: 0137380356
Kindle: B09HTFQB92
Audience: C++ developers
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Category: C/C++

Topics include:

  • Understand what each C++11/14 feature does and where it works best
  • Recognize how to work around show-stopping pitfalls and annoying corner cases
  • Know which features demand additional training, experience, and peer review
  • Gain insights for preparing coding standards and style guides that suit your organization's needs
  • Be equipped to introduce modern C++ incrementally and judiciously into established code base

For recommendations of C and C++ books see Top Choice C and C++ Books  in our Programmer's Bookshelf section.


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