Modern Fortran (Manning)
Monday, 30 November 2020

In this practical guide, subtitled "Building efficient parallel applications", author Milan Curcic starts from the essentials of  modern Fortran, with a focus on reusable modules, functions, and subroutines before diving into Fortran's unique approach to parallel programming with coarrays. He then systematically explores all the really interesting stuff: how to overload operators and generic functions, work with a variety of different inputs and outputs, and much more. Finally, readers will take on advanced parallelism with teams and events, and interoperability with C.



Author: Milan Curcic
Publisher: Manning
Date: November 2020
Pages: 416
ISBN: 978-1617295287
Print: 1617295280
Audience: Fortran programmers
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Category: Other Languages






  • Fortran's place in the modern world
  • Working with variables, arrays, and functions
  • Module development
  • Parallelism with coarrays, teams, and events
  • Interoperating Fortran with C



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Machine Learning Q and AI (No Starch Press)

Author: Sebastian Raschka
Publisher: No Starch Press
Date: April 2024
Pages: 264
ISBN: 978-1718503762
Print: 1718503768
Kindle: B0CKKXCK3T
Audience: Developers interested in AI
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Mike James
Q and AI, a play on Q&A is a clever title, but is the book equally clever?

Python Programming with Design Patterns

Author: James W. Cooper
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Date: February 2022
Pages: 352
ISBN: 978-0137579938
Print: 0137579934
Kindle: B09D2RKQB5
Audience: Python developers
Rating: 1
Reviewer: Mike James
There was a time that design patterns were all the thing. Not so much now. But Python - does it have [ ... ]

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