Raspberry Pi IoT in C, Second Edition (I/O Press)
Wednesday, 14 October 2020

The Raspberry Pi makes an ideal match for the Internet of Things. But to put it to good use in IoT you need two areas of expertise, electronics and programming and because of the way hardware and software engineering tend to occupy separate niches you may need help with combining the two. This expanded second Edition has been brought up-to-date and focuses mainly on the Pi 4 and the Pi Zero. There is new material on the recently introduced GPIO character driver and using the Pi 4’s additional ports and scheduling.


Author: Harry Fairhead
Publisher: I/O Press
Date: October 3, 2020
Pages: 411
ISBN: 978-1871962635
Print: 1871962633
Kindle: B08KLNT2JC
Audience: C programmers interestested in electronics and the IoT
Level: Intermediate
Category: IoT; Electronics


This book teaches you to think like an IoT programmer. After reading it you will be in a better position to tackle interfacing anything-with-anything without the need for custom drivers and pre-built hardware modules.

The main idea in this book is to not simply install a driver, but to work directly with the hardware using the Raspberry Pi's GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) to connect with off-the-shelf sensors. It explains how to use its standard output with custom protocols, including an in-depth exposition of the 1-wire bus. You will also discover how to put the Internet into the IoT using sockets. After reading this book you will be in a better position to tackle interfacing anything-with-anything without the need for custom drivers and prebuilt hardware modules.

While the book still uses NetBeans as its IDE, Visual Studio Code is introduced as an alternative.

As well as being a regular contributor to I Programmer, Harry Fairhead is the Editor of IoT-Programmer and author of the following I/P Press titles:

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HTML, CSS & JavaScript (In Easy Steps)

Author: Mike McGrath
Publisher: In Easy Steps
Date: July 2020
Pages: 480
ISBN: 978-1840788785
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Kindle: B08FBGXGF1
Audience: would-be web developers
Rating: 5
Reviewer Mike James
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Pages: 368
ISBN: 978-0133847505
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