Building React Apps with Server-Side Rendering (Apress)
Wednesday, 22 April 2020

in this book subtitled "Use React, Redux, and Next to Build Full Server-Side Rendering Applications",  author Mohit Thakkar shows how to build and deploy React applications using the Next.js framework to fully render server-side HTML on every web page. The core of the book covers using Next.js to create a fast and secure solutional React application that renders content on the server-side, protects sensitive information, and optimizes response times. The book also covers other fun and interesting topics such as Bootstrap 4, JSX (JavaScript XML), and adding styling to your React applications.



Author: Mohit Thakkar
Publisher: Apress
Date: April 2020
Pages: 207
ISBN: 978-1484258682
Print: 1484258681
Kindle: B086RD8JVW
Audience: React developers
Level: Intermediate
Category: Web design and development


  • Examine fundamental concepts of JavaScript (ES 2015)
  • Create client-side apps using JavaScript frameworks React and Redux
  • Add server-side rendering to React apps using the NextJS Framework


For recommended tities on web development see Web Design And Development - Top Pick CSS And HTML Books and Web Design And Development - More Books on Programmer's Bookshelf


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Programming with Rust

Author:  Donis Marshall
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Pages: 400
ISBN: 978-0137889655
Print: 0137889658
Kindle: B0CLL1TGVT
Audience: Programmers wanting to learn Rust
Rating: 3
Reviewer: Mike James
Rust is the language we all want to learn at the moment so this is just in time.

Computer Graphics from Scratch (No Starch Press)

Author: Gabriel Gambetta
Publisher: No Starch Press
Pages: 248
ISBN: 978-1718500761
Print: 1718500769
Kindle: B085BVJG5B
Audience: People interested in creating 3D graphics
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

This is a well written book that explains the topic of 3D rendering, and tries its hardest to mi [ ... ]

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