The Age of Algorithms (Cambridge University Press)
Friday, 17 April 2020

In this book, authors Serge Abiteboul and Gilles Dowek argue that algorithms are probably the most sophisticated tools that people have had at their disposal since the beginnings of human history. They have transformed science, industry, society, but the authors argue that algorithms are what we made them. And they will be what we want them to be: it's up to us to choose the world we want to live in.



Authors: Serge Abiteboul and Gilles Dowek
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Date: April 2020
Pages: 166
ISBN: 978-1108745420
Print: 1108745423
Kindle: B081J1LBPB
Audience: programmers interested in a more philosophical view of algorithms
Level: Intermediate
Category: General interest 


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SQL Server Query Tuning and Optimization (Packt)

Author: Benjamin Nevarez
Publisher: Packt Publishing Pages: 446
ISBN: 9781803242620
Print: 1803242620
Kindle: B0B42SVBFY
Audience: Intermediate to advanced DBAs and developers
Rating: 4.7
Reviewer: Ian Stirk 

This book aims to give you the tools and knowledge to get peak performance from your que [ ... ]

Foundational Python For Data Science

Author: Kennedy Behrman
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 978-0136624356
Print: 0136624359
Kindle: B095Y6G2QV
Audience: Data scientists
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

This book sets out to be a simple introduction to Python, specifically how to use it to work with data.

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