Using Asyncio in Python (O'Reilly)
Friday, 13 March 2020

In this book, subtitled "Understanding Python's Asynchronous Programming Features", author Caleb Hattingh provides a basic understanding of asyncio’s building blocks - enough to get started writing simple event-based programs. He also covers why asyncio offers a safer alternative to pre-emptive multi-tasking (threading) and how this API provides a simple way to support thousands of simultaneous socket connections. Asyncio is complicated because it aims to solve problems in concurrent network programming for both framework and end-user developers, but most developers need only a small subset of the whole asyncio API, and this book aims to help you pick out the right features.



Author: Caleb Hattingh
Publisher: O'Reilly
Date: February 2020
Pages: 166
ISBN: 978-1492075332
Print: 1492075337
Kindle: B084D653HW
Audience: Python developers
Level: Intermediate
Category: Python 


  • Get a critical comparison of asyncio and threading for concurrent network programming
  • Take an asyncio walk-through, including a quickstart guidefor hitting the ground looping with event-based programming
  • Learn the difference between asyncio features for end-user developers and those for framework developers
  • Understand asyncio’s new async/await language syntax, including coroutines and task and future APIs
  • Get detailed case studies (with code) of some popular asyncio-compatible third-party libraries

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Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Date: February 2022
Pages: 352
ISBN: 978-0137579938
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Pages: 192
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Rating: 5
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Assembler, why would you want to learn that!

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