Building Django 2.0 Web Applications (Packt)
Wednesday, 24 October 2018

This project-based guide aims to give you a sound understanding of Django 2.0 through three full-featured applications. Author Tom Aratyn starts off by building a basic IMDB clone and adding users who can register, vote on their favorite movies, and upload associated pictures. He also takes you through deploying your app into a production environment using Docker containers hosted on the server in Amazon's Electric Computing Cloud (EC2). Other projects include building a Stack Overflow clone with search functionality using ElasticSearch, and a clone of MailChimp so users can send and create emails, and deploy it using AWS.



Author: Tom Aratyn
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Date: April 2018
Pages: 408
ISBN: 978-1787286214
Print: 1787286215
Kindle: B079DW6TRJ
Audience: Python developers
Level: Introductory
Category: Python and Web design and development 


Click cover for Packt offer

  • Build new projects from scratch using Django 2.0
  • Provide full-text searching using ElasticSearch and Django 2.0
  • Learn Django 2.0 security best practices and how they're applied
  • Deploy a full Django 2.0 app almost anywhere with mod_wsgi
  • Deploy a full Django 2.0 app to AWS's PaaS Elastic Beanstalk
  • Deploy a full Django 2.0 app with Docker
  • Deploy a full Django 2.0 app with NGINX and uWSGI

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