Exploratory Data Analysis Using R (CRC Press)
Thursday, 06 September 2018

This book provides a classroom-tested introduction to exploratory data analysis (EDA) and introduces the range of "interesting" – good, bad, and ugly – features that can be found in data, and why it is important to find them. Author Ronald K. Pearson also introduces the mechanics of using R to explore and explain data. Alongside a detailed overview of data, exploratory analysis, and R, the book also covers graphics in R., working with external data, linear regression models, and crafting data stories. The second part of the book focuses on developing R programs, including good programming practices and examples, working with text data, and general predictive models. 



Author: Ronald K. Pearson
Publisher: Chapman & Hall
Date: Sept 2018
Pages: 562
ISBN: 978-1498730235
Print: 149873023X
Kindle: B07CYQ7LQM
Audience: Developers working with data
Level: Intermediate
Category: Data Science


For recommendations of Big Data books see Reading Your Way Into Big Data in our Programmer's Bookshelf section.


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The Road to Azure Cost Governance

Author: Paola E. Annis et al
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Pages: 314
ISBN: 978-1803246444
Print: 1803246448
Kindle: B09NW2CTHX
Audience: Bill payers
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Ian Stirk

This book aims to help you reduce your Azure costs, how does it fare?

ChatGPT For Dummies

Author: Pam Baker
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9781394204632
Print: 1394204639
Kindle: B0C63LZ6DN
Audience: Everyone
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Ian Stirk


This book aims to introduce you to ChatGPT, how does it fare?

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