.NET Core in Action (Manning)
Monday, 03 September 2018

This hands-on guide shows .NET developers how to build professional software applications with .NET Core. Author Dustin Metzga shows how to convert existing .NET code to work on multiple platforms as well as how to start new projects with knowledge of the tools and capabilities of .NET Core. It concentrates on new Core features as it discusses familiar tasks like testing, logging, data access, and networking. It covers modern architectures like microservices and cloud data storage, along with practical matters like performance profiling, localization, and signing assemblies. All examples are in C#.


Author: Dustin Metzga
Publisher: Manning
Date: Aug 2018
Pages: 288
ISBN: 978-1617294273
Print: 1617294276
e-book: free with print book
Audience: .Net developers
Level: Intermediate
Category: ASP.NET  



  • Choosing the right tools
  • Testing, profiling, and debugging
  • Interacting with web services
  • Converting existing projects to .NET Core
  • Creating and using NuGet packages



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The C# Workshop (Packt)

Author: Jason Hales, Almantas Karpavicius and Mateus Viegas
Publisher: Packt
Date: September 2022
Pages: 780
ISBN: 978-1800566491
Print: 1800566492
Kindle: ‎ B0BGRBDJLS
Audience: C# developers
Rating:  4
Reviewer: Mike James
C# is not the language it once was - time for a revival?

Principled Programming

Author: Tim Teitelbaum
Publisher: DateTree Press
Date: March 2023
Pages: 429
ISBN: 978-8987744109
Print: B0BZF8R467
Audience: General
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Mike James
Principled Programming - what else would you want to do?

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