Godot Engine Game Development in 24 Hours (Sams)
Monday, 30 April 2018

This book in the Sams 24 Hours series shows how to create 2D and 3D games for any platform with the 100% free Godot 3.0 game engine. Ariel Manzur, co-creator of Godot, and George Marques, the game engine's main contributor,guide you from basic scenes, graphics, and game flow through advanced shaders, environments, particle rendering, and networked games and walk you through building three complete games, offering advanced techniques you won’t find anywhere else.



Author: Ariel Manzur and George Marques
Publisher: Sams
Date: Mar 2018
Pages: 432
ISBN: 978-0134835099
Print: 0134835093
Kindle: B07BFDQFL9
Audience: Game developers
Level: Intermediate
Category: Graphics & Games


  • Install Godot, create projects, and use the visual editor
  • Master the scene system, and organize games with Scene Trees
  • Create 2D graphics, 3D graphics, and animations
  • Use basic and advanced scripting to perform many game tasks
  • Process player input from any source
  • Control game flow, configurations, and resources
  • Maximize realism with Godot’s physics and particle systems
  • Make the most of 3D shaders, materials, lighting, and shadows
  • Control effects and post-processing
  • Build richer, more sophisticated game universes with viewports
  • Develop networked games, from concepts to communication and input
  • Export games to the devices you’ve targeted
  • Integrate native code, third-party APIs, and engine extensions (bonus chapter)

 click graphic to purchase Book + eBook Bundle for  $48.59


 See: Improved Godot Game Engine

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Racket Programming the Fun Way

Author: James W. Stelly
Publisher: No Starch Press
Date: January 2021
Pages: 360
ISBN: 978-1718500822
Print: 1718500823
Kindle: B085BW4J16
Audience: Developers interested in Racket
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Mike James
If you have ever wanted to Lisp then try Racket.

Administering Relational Databases on Microsoft Azure

Author: Prashanth Jayaram et al
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 622
ISBN: 979-8706128029
Print: B08Y4LBTP4
Kindle: B08XZQJHMK
Audience: Azure DBAs
Rating: 2 or 4 (see review for details)
Reviewer: Ian Stirk

This book aims to help you pass the Azure Relational Database exam DP-300, how does it fare?

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