Improving Agile Retrospectives (Addison Wesley)
Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Agile retrospectives are a key element of a successful continuous improvement process, and help you get to the root of your real problems, so you can solve them quickly and effectively. In this book, author and agile coach/trainer Marc Loeffler combines practical guidance, proven practices, and innovative approaches for maximizing the value of retrospectives for your team—and your entire organization.


Loeffler’s detailed, results-focused examples help you recognize and overcome common pitfalls, adapt retrospectives to your needs, and achieve tangible results. He integrates concepts such as using experimentation and learning from system thinking, alongside small ideas that make a big difference because they’re grounded in real experience.

Author: Marc Loeffler
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Date: January 2018
Pages: 272
ISBN: 978-0134678344
Print: 0134678346
Kindle: B0785W7PM6
Audience: Agile developers
Level: Intermediate
Category: Methodology


  • Learn from failures and successes, and make good things even better
  • Master facilitation techniques that help you achieve your goals (and have fun doing it)
  • Prepare your retrospective so it runs smoothly
  • Practice techniques for generating actionable insights
  • Keep your retrospectives fresh and interesting
  • Perform retrospectives that address the entire system, not just your team
  • Focus on your “better future” with solution-focused retrospectives
  • Learn how to avoid typical pitfalls when facilitating retrospectives
  • Lead retrospectives across multiple distributed teams
  • Use retrospectives to support large-scale change


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