This book is a collection of 50 intermediate-to-advanced techniques for writing robust and well-performing C# 7.0 code. Reflecting the growing sophistication of the C# language and its development community, author Bill Wagner presents new solutions to problems you are likely to encounter every day. This second edition has been completely reorganized to provide clear explanations, expert tips, and realistic code examples in a cohesive package for modern C#, covering C# 7.0.
Author: Bill Wagner Publisher: Addison Wesley Date: August 2017 Pages: 304 ISBN: 978-0672337888 Print: 0672337886 Kindle: B074RJT99M Audience: C# developers Level: Intermediate/advanced Category: C#
- Use properties instead of accessible data members
- Distinguish between value and reference types
- Understand relationships among multiple concepts of equality
- Avoid conversion operators in your APIs
- Understand how interface and virtual methods differ
- Avoid overloading methods defined in base classes
- Create method groups that are clear, minimal, and complete
- Enable immediate error reporting in iterators and async methods
- Use async methods for async work
- Avoid thread allocations and context switches
- Construct PLINQ parallel algorithms with exceptions in mind
- Use the thread pool instead of creating threads
- Use BackgroundWorker for cross-thread communication
- Use the smallest possible scope for lock handles
- Understand the pros and cons of dynamic programming
- Make full use of the expression API
- Minimize dynamic objects in public API
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Bare Metal C
Author: Steve Oualline Publisher: No Starch Press Date: August 2022 Pages: 304 ISBN: 978-1718501621 Print: 1718501625 Kindle: B08YJB9BCF Audience: C programmers Rating: 3 Reviewer: Harry Fairhead Bare metal C sounds exciting and very basic. Time to find out how the machine really works.
Functional Programming in C#, 2nd Ed (Manning)
Author: Enrico Buonanno Publisher: Manning Date: February 2022 Pages: 448 ISBN: 978-1617299827 Print: 1617299820 Kindle: B09P1Z2PPB Audience: C# developers Rating: 5 Reviewer: Mike James Is C# a good language for functional programming?
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