The Great Formal Machinery Works (Princeton University Press)
Monday, 21 August 2017

In this book, subtitled "Theories of Deduction and Computation at the Origins of the Digital Age", author Jan von Plato draws on original sources and rare archival materials to trace the history of the theories of deduction and computation that laid the logical foundations for the digital revolution. He examines the contributions of figures such as Aristotle; the nineteenth-century German polymath Hermann Grassmann; George Boole, whose Boolean logic would prove essential to programming languages and computing; Ernst Schroder, best known for his work on algebraic logic; and Giuseppe Peano, cofounder of mathematical logic.

<ASIN: 0691174172>

Von Plato shows how the idea of a formal proof in mathematics emerged gradually in the second half of the nineteenth century, hand in hand with the notion of a formal process of computation. The book goes as far as showing how the first theoretical ideas of a computer soon emerged in the work of Alan Turing in 1936 and John von Neumann some years later.

Author: Jan von Plato
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Date: August 2017
Pages: 400
ISBN: 978-0691174174
Print: 0691174172
Kindle: B01MTVN9YM
Audience: Computer Science students
Level: Advanced
Category: Theory & Techniques 





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Machine Learning Q and AI (No Starch Press)

Author: Sebastian Raschka
Publisher: No Starch Press
Date: April 2024
Pages: 264
ISBN: 978-1718503762
Print: 1718503768
Kindle: B0CKKXCK3T
Audience: Developers interested in AI
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Mike James
Q and AI, a play on Q&A is a clever title, but is the book equally clever?

Killer ChatGPT Prompts (Wiley)

Author: Guy Hart-Davis
Publisher: Wiley
Pages: 240
ISBN: 978-1394225255
Print: 1394225253
Audience: Everyone
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Ian Stirk

This book aims to get optimal answers to your questions from ChatGPT, how does it fare? 

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