Scala for the Impatient, 2nd Ed (Addison-Wesley)
Thursday, 09 February 2017

Intended for experienced Java, C++, or C# programmers who are new to Scala or functional programming this book concentrates on key Scala concepts and techniques. Cay S. Horstmann writes particularly for impatient readers who want to learn the fundamentals of Scala so they can start coding quickly and avoids exhaustively listing all the features of the language. Instead, using carefully crafted examples and hands-on activities he guides you through stages of competency from basic to expert.


This revised edition has been thoroughly updated for Scala 2.12,  and includes added coverage of recent Scala features, including string interpolation, dynamic invocation, implicit classes, and futures.

Author: Cay S. Horstmann
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Date: December 2016
Pages: 384
ISBN: 978-0134540566
Print: 0134540565
Kindle: B01MR67YSO
Audience: Experienced Java, C++ or C# programmers
Level: Advanced
Category: Other Languages


  • Get started quickly with Scala’s interpreter, syntax, tools, and unique idioms
  • Master core language features: functions, arrays, maps, tuples, packages, imports, exception handling, and more
  • Become familiar with object-oriented programming in Scala: classes, inheritance, and traits
  • Use Scala for real-world programming tasks: working with files, regular expressions, and XML
  • Work with higher-order functions and the powerful Scala collections library
  • Use Scala’s powerful pattern matching and case classes
  • Create concurrent programs with Scala futures
  • Implement domain-specific languages
  • Understand the Scala type system
  • Apply advanced “power tools,” such as annotations, implicits, and type classes

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