Professional Hadoop (Wrox)
Wednesday, 01 February 2017

This is a book designed to offer experienced developers the means to use Apache Hadoop in real–world settings. Benoy Antony and his co-authors are a team of certified Hadoop developers, committers, and Summit speakers, and they cover key aspects of Hadoop technology and the processing of large data sets. The book is designed for the professional developer, skipping over the basics of database development to get you acquainted with the framework′s processes and capabilities right away.


Each key Hadoop component is covered individually, building to the creation of a sample application that brings all of the pieces together to show Hadoop as a major big data solution. Coverage includes everything from storage and security to computing and user experience, with guidance on integrating other software.

Authors: Benoy Antony, Konstantin Boudnik, Cheryl Adams, Branky Shao, Cazen Lee and Kai Sasaki

Publisher: Wrox
Date: May 2016
Pages: 216
ISBN: 978-1119267171
Print: 111926717X
Kindle: B01F69Z1PS
Audience: Professional Database Developers
Level: Advanced
Category: Data Science


  • Configure storage, UE, and in–memory computing
  • Integrate Hadoop with other programs including Kafka and Storm
  • Master the fundamentals of Apache Big Top and Ignite
  • Build robust data security with expert tips and advice

For recommended titles on Hadoop and related topics see Reading Your Way Into Big Data in our  Programmers Bookshelf section.

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ChatGPT For Dummies

Author: Pam Baker
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9781394204632
Print: 1394204639
Kindle: B0C63LZ6DN
Audience: Everyone
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Ian Stirk


This book aims to introduce you to ChatGPT, how does it fare?

The Joy of JavaScript (Manning)

Author: Luis Atencio
Publisher: Manning
Date: March 2021
Pages: 360
ISBN: 978-1617295867
Print: 1617295868
Audience: JavaScript developers
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Ian Elliot
Joy you say!

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