Over high-latency and unreliable cellular networks, performance on mobile is the key to success and conversion. With the subtitle "Best Practices for Optimizing Mobile Web Apps," Maximiliano Firtman shares the knowledge and tools to measure your mobile website or webapp performance,demonstrates which aspects of your site or app slow down the user’s experience, and suggests what you can do to improve performance.
Author: Maximiliano Firtman Publisher: O'Reilly Date: December 2015 Pages: 400 ISBN: 978-1491912553 Print: 1491912553 KIndle: B01M0R7VIH Audience: Mobile Developers Level: Advanced Category: Phone/mobile
The book is described as ideal for web developers and web designers with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and HTTP experience. Topics covered include:
- Emulators, simulators, and other tools for measuring performance
- Basic web performance concepts, including metrics, charts, and goals
- How to get real data from mobile browsers on your real networks
- APIs and specs for measuring, tracking and improving web performance
- Insights and tricks for optimizing the first view experience
- Ways to optimize post-loading experiences and future visits
- Responsive web design and its performance challenges
- Tips for extreme performance to achieve best conversion rates
- How to work with web views inside native apps
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C++ Programming, 6th Ed (In Easy Steps)
Author: Mike McGrath Publisher: In Easy Steps Date: April 2022 Pages: 192 ISBN: 978-1840789713 Print: 1840789719 Kindle: B09V2T9SJD Audience: Developers wanting to learn C++ Reviewer: Mike James This is the 6th edition of a slim book on C++. Can you really learn C++ in easy steps?
Killer ChatGPT Prompts (Wiley)
Author: Guy Hart-Davis Publisher: Wiley Pages: 240 ISBN: 978-1394225255 Print: 1394225253 ASIN: B0CF3WFTWM Audience: Everyone Rating: 5 Reviewer: Ian Stirk
This book aims to get optimal answers to your questions from ChatGPT, how does it fare?
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