Effective Debugging (Addison Wesley)
Thursday, 06 October 2016

Diomidis Spinellis sets out to help experienced programmers become even better by categorizing, explaining, and illustrating the most useful debugging methods, strategies, techniques, and tools. His 66 techniques address every facet of debugging and are illustrated with step-by-step instructions and code. 


Spinellis addresses the full spectrum of problems that can arise in modern software systems, especially problems caused by complex interactions among components and services running on hosts scattered around the planet.


Author: Diomidis Spinellis
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Date: July 2016
Pages: 256
ISBN: 978-0134394794
Print: 0134394798
KIndle: B01HMR617O
Audience: Experienced programmers
Level: Advanced
Category: Theory & Techniques 




Key features include


  • High-level strategies and methods for addressing diverse software failures
  • Specific techniques to apply when programming, compiling, and running code
  • Better ways to make the most of your debugger
  • General-purpose skills and tools worth investing in
  • Advanced ideas and techniques for escaping dead-ends and the maze of complexity
  • Advice for making programs easier to debug
  • Specialized approaches for debugging multithreaded, asynchronous, and embedded code



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Continuous Architecture In Practice (Addison-Wesley)

Author: Murat Erder, Pierre Pureur and Eoin Woods
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Pages: 352
ISBN: 978-0136523567
Print: 0136523560
Kindle: ‎B08ZRTQGLJ
Audience: Software Architects
Rating: 3
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

This book sets out the case for why software architecture is more important than ever, and in p [ ... ]

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Publisher: Clarendon Press
Pages: 616
ISBN: 978-0198534464
Print: 0198534469
Kindle: B0BNKJTJK1
Audience: The mathematically able and enthusiastic
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Mike James
What's complex about complex analysis?

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