Facebook Is The Best Place To Work
Written by Janet Swift   
Monday, 11 March 2013

Glassdoor has published the results of its annual Employees' Choice Awards. Facebook is at #1 making it the 2013 Best Place to Work, Google and LinkedIn are also in the top 15.

Glassdoor is a jobs and career website based on employee generated content. As well as listing jobs it gathers information on hiring interviews, salaries and what it's like to work for a company. It has produced its list of Best Places to Work, which is based on the reviews posted anonymously by employees, since 2009.

This year Facebook has gained the coveted top position for the second time - having also come top in 2011 - and this year it has a rating of 4.7 out of a possible 5.




To be considered for inclusion companies must have at least 25 employee reviews for the current year. This may not sound like a lot but they come from a relatively small potential pool.

There are 99 such reviews for Facebook, with the vast majority awarding the company a full 5 stars. The video recorded by Facebook after its recent award is dripping with positive sentiment.


Google, which came in at #6 in this year's rankings with a rating of 4.3 received 154 reviews. The top review when we looked  was a balanced 4-star review that discussed both good and bad points and a 1-star review from an Intern expressed the view that Google isn't a good place to be in this role.

The fact that only companies that have at least 25 reviews in the current year means that Glassdoor's selection of "Best Companies" is biased. Looking at trends in the 5 annual lists also shows that the pool of companies has tended to stay the same. One newcomer in 2013's Top 50 is Linked which enters at #14 with a rating of 4.1.

Just because a company isn't in the list doesn't make it a bad place to work and once a company does get included it is likely to defend its place there.



Glassdoor provides a service to those looking for work. All you need to do to gain full access to its reviews and salary information is to submit a review, which is of course anonymous, of your own - and as a new user you don't have to do this for the first 10 days. The site also gathers, and shares, information about interview questions which is particularly helpful for anybody unsure about what to expect of the hiring process - and not just for the top 50 companies but for many smaller and less popular companies.


More Information


Employees' Choice Awards

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2013 Best Places to Work.
Last Updated ( Monday, 11 March 2013 )