Gifts For Geeks 2024
Written by Lucy Black   
Friday, 22 November 2024

Are you ready for Thanksgiving, when overeating remorse and a surfeit of being thankful causes the unsettling thought that there are only four weeks till the Xmas break? So here is a mix of weird and wonderful things you might want to give to the geeks and coders in your life.

 Alternatively, you can send this link to those of your family who have no idea what they can give you in the hope you avoid yet another USB coffee mug heater.


Ray-Ban | Meta Smart Glasses

Xmas RayBan

Click on product name of its image for details. I Programmer gets a very small reward if you place an Amazon order after clicking the links in this article, but this has in no way affected our choice of gift ideas there are just far too many to pick from! 

Yes, yes, you may well have received (or gave) a pair of Ray-Ban smart sunglasses last year, but they've been massively upgraded so they're now worth having. The improvement is courtesy of an AI update from Meta that means that these are now essentially ChatGPT sunglasses. You can still use the glasses to capture video, take photos or play music, but you can also take a pic and ask ChatGPT to tell you more such as what the landmark is or what the sign says in your own language.

What we like: The stylish look and really well integrated AI.

Ideal for: You, or your equally stylish partner.

Matrix Green Code Lamp

Xmas Greenlamp

A lamp inspired by the “digital rain” of code from The Matrix, or by cyberpunk style and neon light warmth depending on who you ask. It comes with an LED controller to choose the mode and colors that you like most, with choices including neon blue and green, purple, orange and cold white.

What we like: It does look quite cool.

Ideal for: People who say things like "This is your last chance. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe."

Wireless Light Up LED Dice for Dungeons and Dragons

Xmas Dice

This is the modern equivalent of that dusty box of weird dice you have from the days when you could devote a whole weekend to playing dungeons and dragons. These light up in a variety of garish colors, and slowly flash for fifteen seconds when you roll them or they collide. They have wireless charging, and a "translucent charging box". 

What we like: It's an excuse to dust off those figurines you spent ages painting and ask your old mates round. This is also what we object to about them.

Ideal for: Software or hardware engineers who still harbor a soft spot for D&D.

SideTrak Swivel Pro Triple Laptop Monitor Extender

Xmas Sidetrack

The SideTrak Swivel monitor extender attaches to a laptop with hinges to provide a double or triple screen to provide more screen inches while maintaining portability. It uses a magnetic plate, and lets you fold one monitor onto the back of your laptop. If you want the second extra screen that has to be carried separately.

What we like: It seems easy to fit and to travel with.

Ideal for: Developers who need lots of screen real estate.

VR Cardboard DIY 3D Virtual Reality Kit

Xmas VR Cardboard

This is really a small cardboard box that you can put your phone into, an elastic strap to hold it to your head, and some cheap plastic lenses. You can then go ahead and try out an immersive experience. The unit can hold a variety of phone types securely and while's there's not too much in the way of VR Android apps supplied there enough to provide a taster. If this model is unavailable in your Amazon region a search on "cardboard DIY VR kit" should produce some alternatives.

What we like: The low cost, the really cheap look of the cardboard, and the added promise of a sponge nose pad and forehead pad make it more comfortable.

Ideal for: Someone annoying who usually gives you a 'humorous' pair of socks

Rocketbook Smart Reusable Notebook

Xmas Rocket

The lovechild of an Etch-a-Sketch and Lotus Organizer, this is an erasable notebook in which you can scribble notes (using the included Pilot Frixion Pen), store the notes in your cloud service of choice, then wipe the pages clean with a damp cloth and reuse the notepad. The notepad is app-connected, and the Rocketbook app lets you scan and upload your written work directly to cloud platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox or OneNote. It's available with covers in a range of colors and designs and you can save with a Black Friday deal.

What we like: The nostalgia of scribbling then erasing.

Ideal for: Your annoying sibling who always hogged the shared Etch-a-Sketch.

Minecraft Annual 2025

It wouldn't be xmas without an annual from your favorite cartoon or comic, and just because you're a bit older there's no reason not to carry on the tradition. We bring you the Minecraft Annual, 2025, "stuffed to the brim with updates, activities, step-by-step builds and tips and tricks for the game."

MinecraftAnnual inside

Alongside the promised "loads of fun activities and tips on smithing templates, archaeology and how to survive a pillager raid", there's a blocky brownie recipe, awesome builds and survival challenges for you to complete in-game.

What we like: The way it reminds you of the excitement of an annual.

Ideal for: Minecrafters


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Last Updated ( Friday, 22 November 2024 )