Spending a Fortune on Apps
Written by Lucy Black   
Sunday, 13 October 2013

In 2013 apps are expected to bring in $25,000,000,000, which given that the vast majority of apps are either free or cost less than a dollar, seems a staggering amount. But the sheer number of apps available and our appetite for them means that the total spend mounts up.

Smartphones and tablets have changed the way we work, play and keep in touch with one another and in terms of revenue apps represent a growth industry. This infographic from Best Computer Science Degrees reveals that the projected revenue for the global app market in 2013 ($25 billion) s up 62% from 2012.

It shows that on average we use 8 apps per day and that at168 minutes per day, app usage is as popular a pastime as watching TV and surpasses web browsing. In terms of time spent using apps, games accounts for almost a third and social networking another quarter, productivity and news are at the bottom of the list with 2% each.



 (click in infographic to open full size version in new window)


The most used app in the world is Google Maps with 54% of smartphone users having used it in the past month. Facebook comes next with 44% then You Tube 35% and Google 30%.

When it come to downloads to Android and Apple devices the top free apps are:

  • Facebook 
  • Pandora Radio 
  • Words With Friends 
  • Skype 
  • The Weather Channel

The top paid apps are all games:

  • Angry Birds 
  • Fruit Ninja 
  • Doodle Jump 
  • Cut the Rope 
  • Angry Birds Seasons

Apple is still the store with the most apps - 800,000 - but Google Play is catching up quickly with 700,000. The Windows Store has 125,000 and it is the Amazon store that lags most with only 70,000.

For both consumers and developers, the good news is that there are 640 new apps in store every day and the statistic that is most surprising is that 63% of the apps used daily are different from those used daily a year ago. Which suggests there is plenty of scope for bringing out something novel to get a slice of the $25 billion annual revenue.


More Information

Best Computer Science Degrees

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 13 October 2013 )