Google APIs as the periodic table
Thursday, 27 January 2011

The periodic table according to Google has Android in the prime position that hydrogen should occupy. Explore the maze of Google APIs using this iconic approach to grouping things together.


Google has just had a good idea - why not represent all their many APIs in a sort of periodic table? Now your reaction to this can be two-fold. You could take offence at the desecration of a scientific icon or you could enjoy the experience of seeing how Google insiders think of their API farm.




You can see a little of the idea in the screen dump of part of the table but this static representation misses out some of the really nice features. If you click on one of the category buttons at the top, e.g. Mobile, then all the APIs that relate to mobile applications are highlighted. Of course if you click on one of the "elements" you are transported to the appropriate API website.

It is interesting to notice that Android occupies the prime place of hydrogen and Chrome technologies occupy the noble gas group. What better than Gadgets to be placed at the transition elements?

Or perhaps this is being too literal. Whatever your verdict its an interesting way of displaying such a bewildering array of APIs.

View the real thing at:

Further interest

Google API Console



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Last Updated ( Thursday, 27 January 2011 )