Just JavaScript (I/O Press)
Wednesday, 02 May 2018

With the subtitle "An Idiomatic Approach" I Programmer's Ian Elliot takes a radical look at JavaScript that takes account of the way it is object based. Understand JavaScript for what it really is -  a very different language that should not be compared to Java or dismissed as simply a scripting language. Elliot looks at the ideas that originally motivated the JavaScript approach and also at the additions over time that have produced modern JavaScript/ECMAScript. After reading it, you will have an understanding how and why JavaScript is unique and the way in which you can exploit its strengths.


Author: Ian Elliot
Publisher: I/O Press
Date: April 2018
Pages: 228
ISBN: 978-1871962574
Print: 1871962579
Audience: Programmers with some experience of JavaScript
Level: Intermediate
Category: JavaScript 



After a brief overview of its history, we come to the key idea in JavaScript: it is object-based. Everything in JavaScript is an object and three chapters are used to introduce objects before we meet the Function Object. The many different ways of creating a JavaScript function tends to hide the fact that they are indeed all objects with properties and a lifetime that is different from local variables. This is the reason closure is natural. Having explored JavaScript's unique approach to parameters we are ready to consider how functions become methods. After this factory functions and constructors seem obvious as does the prototype chain. The final three chapters tackle the issues that are usually seen as problems for JavaScript and which are now reconciled within the idiomatic approach.


Also by Ian Elliot 
JavaScript Async: Events, Callbacks, Promises and Async Await
Just jQuery: The Core UI 
Just jQuery: Events, Async & AJAX  

For recommendations of JavaScript books for beginners see JavaScript Beginners Book Choice in our Programmer's Bookshelf section.

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