SQL Queries for Mere Mortals, 4th Ed (Addison Wesley)
Wednesday, 25 April 2018

This book is a tutorial on writing effective queries with the latest SQL standards and database applications. It shows how to create reliable queries for current SQL-based databases, from simple data selection and filtering to joining multiple tables and modifying sets of data. In this new edition author John L. Viescas has updated this hands-on classic with more advanced techniques. In two brand-new chapters, he shows how to perform complex calculations on groups for sophisticated reporting, and how to partition data into windows for more flexible aggregation.



Author: John L. Viescas
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Date: Apr 2018
Pages: 960
ISBN: 978-0134858333
Print: 0134858336
Kindle: B079G27STM
Audience: Developers working with data
Level: intermediate
Category: Database


  • Getting started: understanding what relational databases are, and ensuring that your database structures are sound
  • SQL basics: using SELECT statements, creating expressions, sorting information with ORDER BY, and filtering data using WHERE
  • Summarizing and grouping data with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
  • Drawing data from multiple tables: using INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, and UNION operators, and working with subqueries
  • Modifying data sets with UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements
  • Advanced queries: complex NOT and AND, conditions, if-then-else using CASE, unlinked tables, driver tables, and more
  • NEW! Using advanced GROUP BY keywords to create subtotals, roll-ups, and more
  • NEW! Applying window functions to answer more sophisticated questions, and gain deeper insight into your data


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