SciPy Recipes (Packt)
Tuesday, 30 January 2018

The SciPy Stack can be used to process, manipulate, and visualize data using Python, but using the stack correctly can be a tricky proposition. In this book, authors L. Felipe Martins, Ruben Oliva Ramos and V Kishore Ayyadevara provide the right techniques so you can use SciPy to perform different data science tasks with ease with hands-on recipes for using the different components of the SciPy Stack such as NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, and pandas.



Author: L. Felipe Martins, Ruben Oliva Ramos and V Kishore Ayyadevara
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Date: Dec 2017
Pages: 386
ISBN: 978-1788291460
Print: 1788291468
Kindle: B073TVYLCZ
Audience: Python developers interested in data analysis
Level: intermediate
Category: Data Science

  • Get a solid foundation in scientific computing using Python

  • Master common tasks related to SciPy and associated libraries such as NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib

  • Perform mathematical operations such as linear algebra and work with the statistical and probability functions in SciPy

  • Master advanced computing such as Discrete Fourier Transform and K-means with the SciPy Stack

  • Implement data wrangling tasks efficiently using pandas

  • Visualize your data through various graphs and charts using matplotlib

For recommendations of Python books see Books for Pythonistas and Python Books For Beginners in our Programmer's Bookshelf section.

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Embracing Modern C++ Safely

Author: Dr. John Lakos, Vittorio Romeo, Dr. Rostislav Khlebnikov and  Alisdair Meredith
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Date: December 2021
Pages: 1376
ISBN: 978-0137380350
Print: 0137380356
Kindle: B09HTFQB92
Audience: C++ developers
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Harry Fairhead
Writing safe C++ - sounds essential

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Your AI Survival Guide

Author: Sol Rashidi
Publisher: Wiley
Date: April 2024
Pages: 224
ISBN: 978-394272631
Print: 1394272634
Kindle: B0CYLXSVW5
Audience: General
Rating: 3.5
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

This is a book aimed at executives and managers who work in companies that don't yet use AI, with the aim of providing information to [ ... ]

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