New Python and Perl Programming Certificates
Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The latest Online Certificate Programs from the O'Reilly School of Technology are on Perl and Python. Is this a good way to learn a language?


The most recent addition to O'Reilly's Online Certificate Program is a set of four courses on Python created by Steve Holden, current chairman of the Python Software Foundation.

The first module is for beginners and introduces the Python language. An ebook copy of Head First Python is supplied as well as the course materials and software that are included within the online Learning Sandbox. The complimentary reference ebook associated with the second module is Python Cookbook 2nd edtion and this is in addition to 40 hours of self-paced online learning that each module typically requires. The third class is intended to increase your language mastery and Learning Python, Fourth edition is part of the material while Programming Python comes with the fourth and final module, Advanced Python which is expected to be relased in April 2011.




You can take all four courses for a Programming Python Certificate or enrol on individual ones subject to have the prerequisite knowledge. When you successfully complete each of the courses you earn a Certificate for Professional Development from the University of Illinois Office of Continuing Education and four CEUs (Continuing Education Units).

The four units of the Perl Programming Certificate are Introduction to Perl (complimentary e-book Learning Perl); Intermediate Perl (Programming Perl); Advanced Perl (Perl Cookbook); and Applied Perl (Advanced Perl Programing, 2nd edition).

There are also Online Certificate Programs in:

  • Java Programming
  • Client-Side Programming
  • PHP/SQL Programming
  • Web Programming
  • Open Source Programming
  • .NET Programming

As well as tuition fees for each course you also pay a monthly Lab fee - but that entitles you to use the facility for as many courses as you wish to study concurrently. Until the 31st January 2011, O'Reilly is offering a 25% on all OST courses, a saving of almost $100 per module.

For more information visit the O'Reilly School of Technology site.





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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 26 January 2011 )