Angular 17 Adds Deferrable Views
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Angular 17 has been released with much faster performance and improvements including deferrable views.

Angular is an open source TypeScript-based web application framework that can be used for building JavaScript apps and dynamic web pages. Following work on its development by Google, it has gained widespread support.


The Angular developers say the new version has a runtime that is up to 90% faster on public benchmarks due to built-in control flow loops. They say it also offers building for hybrid rendering that are up to 87% faster, and 67% for client-side rendering.

The new version also makes use of a new block syntax to make apps faster through lazy loading. The new block syntax is used for an optimized, built-in control flow. The team says many developers struggle with using flow of control structures such as *ngSwitch and *ngFor. The new built-in control flow provides a more ergonomic syntax that is closer to JavaScript. The performance improvements come specifically from the new for statement which uses a new diffing algorithm and has more optimal implementation compared to *ngFor, making it up to 90% faster at runtime.

The second improvement of note is support for deferrable views and their use for declarative deferred loading. The example given was that of a blog where you want to use lazy loading on the user comments. The new deferrable views let you do just that using a single line of declarative code, and because it is implemented via a compile-time transformation, Angular abstracts the complexity by finding components, directive and pipes used inside of a @defer block, generating dynamic imports and managing the process of loading and switching between states.

Elsewhere, the developers say they've been working with the Material Design team at Google to refactor the internals of Angular Material to incorporate design tokens, a system that will provide significantly more customization options for the components and enable Material 3 support. They say they're not quite ready to ship design token and M3 support for v17, but they expect to ship these features soon in a v17 minor release.

Angular 17 is available now.


More Information

Angular Site

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 16 January 2024 )