Go Developers Still Well Satisfied In 2023 |
Written by Janet Swift |
Wednesday, 13 December 2023 |
The results of the latest survey of Go developers has been released with insights into how they consider AI-powered tools might be useful to them.
Reporting the results of this survey, Todd Kulesza, UX research lead for the Go programming language at Google, noted: We primarily focused survey questions around a few topics: general sentiment and feedback about developing with Go, technology stacks used alongside Go, how developers start new Go projects, recent experiences with toolchain error messages, and understanding developer interest around ML/AI. The Go Developer Survey always records a high level of satisfaction with the Go ecosystem and this time the split was 90% satisfied versus 6% dissatisfied and only 4% neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. In fact 52% chose the Very Satisfied rating option. Linux is the preferred developer environment for Go, used by 63% with macOS a close second (58%). Even when WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) is added to Windows it is used only by 41% and as respondents were asked to "select all that apply" there could be a completed overlap between WSL (16%) and Windows (25%). As shown in this chart, more experienced users of Go were even less likely to use Windows: Which operating systems do you use when developing with Go?
Commenting on the use of Windows, Kulesza writes: We do continue to see that newer members of the Go community are more likely to be working with Windows than more experienced Go developers. We interpret this as a signal that Windows-based development is important for onboarding new developers to the Go ecosystem, and is a topic our team hopes to focus on more in 2024. In terms of deployment, Linux systems are overwhelmingly prevalent and macOS is less used than Windows:
Linux is universally the OS of the cloud and the survey recorded that three out of every four respondents work on Go software that also uses cloud services. The preference for Linux is also reflected in the incidence of target databases with Microsoft SQL Server having only 5%: Questions about how developers start new Go projects and their recent experiences with toolchain error messages were intended to provide feedback that the Go team use to develop the language. Kulesza summarized the outcomes:
With regard to AI he noted that, rather than writing code for AI/ML applications and service, respondents were more interested in being able to use AI-powered tools to improves the quality, reliability, and performance of their own code, as this chart shows: Only 22% respondents said they didn't want any support from AI/ML when working with Go. The top three uses cases that devs considered useful were help in writing tests (49%), suggesting better coding practices (47%) and catching common mistakes (46%). The least attractive were help with brainstorming ideas (11%) and with creating examples (14%). Only 15% wanted AI to convert code from another language to GO and 20% wanted it to generate Go code from a natural language description. It will be interesting so see how Go developers are actually use AI in the next survey. More InformationGo Developer Survey 2023 H2 Results Related ArticlesGo Developers Positive About Generics Go Developer Survey Results Released Insights Into Where Go Is Going Go Survey Shows Show Continuing Preference For Go To be informed about new articles on I Programmer, sign up for our weekly newsletter, subscribe to the RSS feed and follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin.
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 13 December 2023 ) |