RubyMine 5 Supports RubyMotion
Written by Alex Armstrong   
Monday, 11 February 2013

The latest release of JetBrains' IDE for Ruby development extends syntax and debugging support and now caters for those creating iOS apps.



Top of the list of new features in RubyMine 5 is support for RubyMotion. This brings RubyMine's assistance of syntax highlighting, code completion, testing and debugging features already available for other Ruby environments, including Ruby 2.0, JRuby and CoffeeScript, to those creating native iOS applications using Ruby.


rmine400 (click to enlarge)


Other improvements in this release are:

  • Syntax and debugging support for Ruby 2.0

  • Ability to import TextMate bundles

  • Running and debugging support fir TorqueBox and Trinidad for JRuby developers
  • Integration of remote Ruby interpreters is added for managing remote applications.

  • Puppet support added for better management of application servers

  • CoffeeScript Debugger for Web development



In addition to the features mentioned RubyMine has improvements in the IdeaVim plugin and introduces new features for Sass. It also has a new dark look-and-feel for the UI as shown in this demo video:



More Information

What's New in RubyMine 5?

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 27 February 2013 )