GitHub for Windows
Written by Ian Elliot   
Tuesday, 22 May 2012

GitHub has released a free-to-download Windows version that will run Windows on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and even the pre-release Windows 8.

 GitHub is a very popular code repository site that has attracted a significant share of  windows developers as well as those working with Mac and Linux GitHub (see Git and GitHub Top in Popularity Stakes).

It released a similar Mac client last year but, given that 50% of its traffic comes from Windows, it recognised the need to make things simpler for Windows developers - both in open source and enterprise environments. 


The new Clone in Windows button that is activated once you install GitHub for windows lets you quickly clone repositories from your account or any organization you belong to.

GitHub's sync button turns the complex workflow of pulling and pushing into a single operation. It notifies you when there are new changes to pull down and lets you quickly share local changes and you have access to GitHub's branching features that make it easy to try out remote branches, create new local branches, and publish branches to share with others.




More Information

GitHub for Windows

GitHub blog

Related Articles

Git and GitHub Top in Popularity Stakes





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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 22 May 2012 )