Apache Pekko 1.0 Released
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Tuesday, 07 November 2023

Apache has released version 1 of Pekko, an open source toolkit and runtime simplifying the construction of concurrent and distributed applications on the JVM. Pekko is a fork of Akka and has come about because Akka has moved from being Apache licensed to being licensed under a Business Software License.

Akka is a source-available toolkit and runtime simplifying the construction of concurrent and distributed applications on the JVM. It is an actor implementation that was released in 2006 as part of Scala 2. Akka moved to the Business Software License from version 2.7, released in September 2022. 


Apache Pekko gRPC is based on Akka gRPC 2.1.6, and was forked because of

the move to the new license model. Apache Pekko has changed the package names but otherwise has worked to make it as easy as possible to switch existing Akka based projects over to using Pekko.

Apache Pekko is an open-source framework for building applications that are concurrent, distributed, resilient and elastic. Pekko uses the Actor Model to provide more intuitive high-level abstractions for concurrency. Using these abstractions, Pekko also provides libraries for persistence, streams, and HTTP.

The Apache Pekko project is broken into several repositories, with connectors for other systems such as Kafka and Cassandra. There are repositories for the gRPC server and HTTP server, and repositories for persistence modules for Cassandra, DynamoDB, JDBC, and R2DBC. Other modules contain the event sourcing and CQRS modules, and a Microservice built with Pekko tooling.

In addition to the above, there are also the following QuickStart templates for Scala and Java.

The new release adds support for Scala 3, and has new versions of pekko-grpc-codegen for Scala 2.13 and Scala 3. The jar is used as a sbt plugin but the developers say it is useful to also support other Scala versions so other build frameworks can use use it.


More Information

Apache Pekko Website

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 07 November 2023 )