Docker Adds Extensions
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Monday, 16 May 2022

The Docker team has announced two major improvements at DockerCon; Docker Extensions and Docker Desktop for Linux.

The open packaging technology of Docker lets you run an app without the need to install files on which your app depends on the system it is running on. Instead, your app gets its own operating system environment packaged with it.


The Docker Extension is being released as a beta version, alongside a beta release of Docker Extensions and the Docker Extensions SDK. Docker Extensions can be used to add features to Docker Desktop, extend its existing capabilities, and discover and integrate additional tools.

Docker Extensions let you integrate your favorite tools and simplify workflows directly in Docker Desktop. There are 16 initial Docker extensions, covering a range of areas including Kubernetes, secure software supply chain, and Docker Compose. The initial set of extensions have been created by a set of Docker partners - Ambassador, Anchore, Aqua Security, GOSH, JFrog,, Okteto, Portainer, Red Hat, Snyk, SUSE/Rancher, Tailscale, Uffizzi, and VMware. The Docker team says more extensions will be added soon.

The SDK is available for all developers, and can be used to simplify s workflows by creating new automations that integrate both your own tools and external tools into Docker Desktop. Extensions are packaged as specially formatted Docker images.

The Docker team also announced the general availability of Docker Desktop for Linux, joining the versions already released for macOS and Windows. Docker Desktop is an application that can be used to build and share containerized applications and microservices. It comes bundled with container tools like Kubernetes, Docker Compose, BuildKit, and vulnerability scanning.  Developers can use the Docker Dashboard to visually manage all of their container resources.

Docker Extensions (Beta) ships with Docker Desktop 4.8.0+



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Last Updated ( Monday, 16 May 2022 )