ActiveState Komodo IDE Now Free
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Thursday, 23 January 2020

There will no longer be a fee for Komodo, the multi-language IDE for Python, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, Node.js, Golang, Ruby, Perl, and a variety of other languages and frameworks. 


Last time we reported on Komodo, back in 2017, see Komodo 11 With Revamped Code Intelligence, its lightweight counterpart Komodo EDIT was the only free offering, and of course had limitations:

Komodo Edit provides the basic functionality you need for programming without debugging, unit testing, collaboration, or integration with build systems unit testing

Now, with the release of Komodo 12, you get all that for free, plus the embedded ActiveState Platform with which you can automatically build runtime environments by just choosing your packages letting the Platform to resolve the necessary dependencies, as well as the State Tool, with which you can instantly and locally deploy your runtime environment.

The only thing required is opening an account at ActiveState to register your copy. If you're also looking for support, this continues to be a paid offering.

Features that have been updated for Version 12 include:

  • Revamped Code Intelligence
    Autocomplete is more robust and triggers from any position;you can quickly filter symbols using the new symbol list, with overall faster performance
  • Live Previewing
    No need to switch back and forth between your browser and editor. Now you can edit your HTML and markdown and test it all without leaving your IDE.
  • Universal Package Manager
    Access your package manager with one button and run commands directly within the editor, with support for Python (pip), PHP (Composer), Perl (PPM), Ruby (Gem) and Node.js (npm and Yarn). 

For an in depth look on the IDE's capabilities, check out Komodo IDE Features.

If your are experienced in another IDE, you'll find the migration easy since Komodo comes pre-loaded with popular key bindings found in other editors.For example, if you are familiar with Vi,you can instruct Komodo to act like it so that you can leverage your experience to on top of that also enjoy the extra goodies that Komodo offers.

The other flexibility is that you don't have to use ActiveState's language distributions, such as ActivePython or ActivePerl. On Windows, for example, Komodo can be used with Strawberry Perl. On the other hand, if you opt for the ActiveState counterparts you gain extra advantages like having access to pre-built packages/modules and other integrations.



More Information

Komodo IDE 

Download for Windows,MacOs and Linux.

Komodo IDE documentation

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 23 January 2020 )