What better way to lure devs into the platform than to provide clear how-to instructions and deep educational material?
Over the last couple of years, but especially during 2023, Microsoft has pumped up its educational facilities on . NET. For instance, it has released a number of self-paced projects we here at I Programmer have covered, such as:
Microsoft's Generative AI for Beginners
Microsoft's Artificial Intelligence for Beginners
Web Development for Beginners
Java For Beginners
Machine Learning for Beginners
SQL Workshops
It has released videos from sessions such as the latest . NET Conf which we covered in ". NET Conf 2023 Was A Blast!", or the Azure Developers 2023, and revamped its educational platforms which include:
.NET Live TV portal, an aggregator for all its . NET and Visual Studio live streams which provides easy access to what's currently on offer.
.NET On QA - a global, community-driven platform for timely, high-quality technical answers.
Microsoft's Learning Rooms, - which focus across several technology areas. They include Microsoft Cloud and Azure subjects, such as Azure Infrastructure, Data and AI, and Digital and Application Innovation.
Reaching the end of 2023, Microsoft's latest addition to the educational spectrum is a serires of beginner video tutorials solely focusing on its flagship product .NET8. The series looks at C#, .NET, generative AI, NuGet, Visual Studio, VS Code and the C# Dev Kit, Blazor Hybrid, .NET IoT, and upgrading .NET applications. They cover what .NET is, what you can build with it, how to get started with professional tooling, and tips to enhance your projects.
In detail:
.NET for Beginners- covers what .NET is, what you can build with it, how to get up and running within VS Code and how to enhance your projects with NuGet packages
.NET on Azure for Beginners - develop your own .NET applications on Azure
.NET Package Management with NuGet - learn all about how to use NuGet, specifically how to install and use packages, how to create and publish your own packages
.NET IoT - learn the essentials to run .NET code on single board computers and effectively utilize the .NET IoT Libraries to communicate with various IoT devices
Generative AI with .NET for Beginners - Add Machine Learning (ML) into your .NET applications
Upgrade Applications with .NET - learn how to upgrade your applications to the latest .NET with existing tooling from Microsoft.
Learn C# from the Experts - Scott Hanselman and David Fowler, teach C# from the ground up.
C# and .NET Development with Visual Studio - the best features Visual Studio has to offer including code navigation, debugging, testing, code completion, and collaboration
C# and .NET Development with VS Code - learn how to get started writing, debugging, testing, and running your C# applications productively in VS Code using the new C# Dev Kit extension
Blazor Hybrid - build your first Hybrid applications across iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Web
But that's not all. Note too that Microsoft has been expanding and cooperating with third parties in order to reach a much wider audience. An example is its latest cooperation with Freecodecamp on the Foundational C# with Microsoft Certification.
To conclude, Microsoft acknowledges that in order to win the hearts and minds of developers, solid documentation is the way to go. Let's wait and see what it has in store for 2024!
Bun 1.2 has been released with improvements including progress towards Node.js compatibility, a built-in S3 object storage API and a built-in Postgres client.
Epic is continuing its battle for freer access to Apple and Android play stores with a promise to pay the Apple store fees for developers who make their games available on the newly expanded Epic Game [ ... ]