Keep Up With I Programmer
Written by Sue Gee   
Wednesday, 21 December 2011

How best can you keep up with the articles that I Programmer publishes? We have ways of keeping you up to date and in communication.


These days it is difficult to know which of the many news feeds is worth supporting and using. We have a new LinkedIn page and feed for you to follow and this is the reason for this news item. Just browse to

to see a short listing of all of the articles, news items, book reviews and news of new titles  that we publish every day. Of course, we would be very pleased if you decide to follow us on LinkedIn - as the page is new we don't have very many followers at the moment.

Of course, having a LinkedIn page doesn't mean we are giving up on the rest. Although the rumours of the demise of RSS are strong and frequent, a news reader is still a good option and you can find an RSS news feed for all our content at:

RSS All content

and if you just want book reviews:

RSS Book Reviews

After RSS, Twitter is probably everyone's favourite realtime information stream and we Twitter every new article  and there is a separate Twitter stream for BookWatch:

I Programmer Twitter

BookWatch Twitter

We've recently revamped our Facebook Page and it now carries the lead paragraph of articles in the same way as our Google+ page - complete with a page thumbnail if we are lucky. 

You can find us on Facebook at:

I Programmer Facebook

and on Google+ at:

I Programmer Google+

In all case please feel free to re-Tweet, Share, Like, Plus One - or whatever it is your favourite service asks you to do! I Programmer really needs your support and every extra click helps.



We also have Submit buttons for StumbleUpon and DZone and we'd really like it if you want to recommend article to other similar sites. If you click the red plus it opens a palette of icons for other services.

Tell us if you think we should add any other buttons.

Last, but not least, if you register with the site you can get our weekly newsletter. We don't make the mailing list available to anyone else and we can promise you that you will only get our newsletter and not a load of extra spam. You can select an HTML or a plain text version.

Finally we have been asked lots of time why we don't have a comment system installed. Initially we made a choice not to support comments as a deliberate attempt to stop then phenomenon of ever-shrinking articles supported by ever-expanding comment trails. We also decided not to add to the number of programming forums - there are already enough and further dilution doesn't seem a good step.

However, so many people miss the facility that we will soon be adding a comment system. Until then please feel free to comment on Facebook, Google+ or LinkedIn - we do monitor each of these on a daily basis. If you post a link on another service and start a discussion, then email us and we will attempt to join in.

And talking of email you can always email the editor, it's the most primitive but most effective way of communicating with us:

We look forward to hearing from you.


To be informed about new articles on I Programmer, subscribe to the RSS feed, follow us on Google+, Twitter, Linkedin or Facebook or sign up for our weekly newsletter.


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 21 December 2011 )