Poll positioning
Written by Lucy Black   
Sunday, 01 August 2010

The results of the iProgrammer poll for July are now in and .NET has outstripped the combined opposition. August's poll asks you to choose your most loved mobile platform.




The results of our July poll, Java v .NET are in and the winner is ..... .NET rocks (51%)

The other two options, Java is for me! and Keep away from both! tied with close to 24% each.





For our next poll the question is what mobile platform you consider the one to write for? You could just pick the one that is likely to make you most money if that's the most important factor to you personally, or you could vote for the most technically sound approach. The point is that there are many ways to appraise a development platform and the question really boils down to which one is your favourite - for whatever reason.

If you don't know about some of the options look out for our forthcoming guide to the mobile platforms of the world!



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Last Updated ( Sunday, 01 August 2010 )